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Deliver security training to a mobile of your employees where they are

Meet warehouse, logistics, welding, drilling, and manufacturing employees where the job is. Because they don't have time to sit in the classroom. 

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One Platform

Corpedios platform enables easy creation and editing of training courses. Our live synchronization allows you to publish freshly-updated training in one click. Your talent will never miss any critical security updates. 

Close the Gap

Eliminate the communication gap between office employees and field staff with live updates. Corpedios platform enables live updates to the courses. No more policy changes or updates will be missed by field staff becuase you can update courses with new information in one click. 

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Collect Data and Track Progress

Corpedios toolbox tracks the training progress and completion, collects feedback, and records responses to open-ended questions. Use collected data to adjust and tweak courses to suit your teams even more. 

Serve your audience

Have more than one team to train? Separate courses for different teams, depending on their roles and needs. Create and assign a course to teams or individual employees using their email addresses. Create as many separate courses as you need.  

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Already Trusted By the team in Global Oilfield Support Services Ltd.

Case in Point 

Security is the top concern of the oil rig operations at GOSS due to the massive environmental, social and financial cost of error. GOSS's security department needed to launch training on alarm systems for its oil rig employees.


Status Quo

Before getting a job on the rig, GOSS's employees complete massive security training. Part of the training covers an alarm system, where each alert type is prompted by a different sound code. Gas leaks, evacuation, fire emergencies, potential blowouts, and a call to resume work have unique sound codes. 



While alarm systems are tested periodically on the oil platform, a costly tendency to neglect such training takes place, as alarms are loud and deprive shift employees of night sleep. 


Becuase the alarm does not go off frequently, the employees often confuse sound codes of particular events. Since the failure to react to the single code costs 700$ per minute, GOSS's wanted to ascertain that rig employees know how to act in an emergency case. 


The Solution 

Corpedios developed a training, using alarm codes and prompting the oil rig crew to respond to a set of questions after hearing alarm codes. The questions check employees' ability to take action upon hearing a particular voice code. Only upon achieving an accuracy rate of 100% would employees be set to embark on the rig for their shift. 


COSS added the training to the mandatory checklist, which employees complete every time they board the oil rig. The repetitiveness of the training ensures that information sticks. 


The shift supervisor at GOSS adds new information and updates voice codes via Corpedios platform to ensure security compliance on the oil rig. 



Provided repetitive access to crucial security training otherwise frequently ignored to 200 crew members. Course completion is 100% 

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